"Regulations are management tools that establish the rules of operation, inform about the procedures of the institution, and regulate the relationships among the members of the educational community, integrating the principles and values contained in the Institutional Educational Project."
Le Monde School stands out as a unique and nurturing place where our children and young people have the opportunity to grow together and cultivate skills that turn them into citizens committed to the defense and promotion of values such as non-discrimination, tolerance, and collaboration. To achieve these noble objectives, it is imperative to establish a set of rules and procedures that promote harmonious coexistence and facilitate the peaceful resolution of conflicts, recognizing that the responsibility for maintaining a positive environment rests with each member of our educational community.
Internal Regulations and School Life Rules Year 2024
Evaluation is a fundamental and continuous process aimed at providing information to both the teacher and the students to support their learning process, actively engaging in the achievement of specific educational objectives for each level. In addition to being a measurement tool, assessment translates into a grade that, along with the attendance requirement, determines the promotion of students. At Le Monde School, each year an Evaluation Regulation is established and communicated transparently to all students, parents, guardians, and teachers. This regulation aims to ensure a fair and equitable evaluation, fostering an environment conducive to the academic and personal development of each student.
Regulations for Evaluation, Grading, and Promotion Year 2024
Scholarships provide students with the opportunity to receive a full or partial waiver of the monthly payments they are required to make. The amount allocated to each beneficiary in the economic aspect will be determined exclusively by the score obtained in the application form, according to the information provided.
Internal Regulations for Scholarship Allocation